Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 30, 2005
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates … Technical Stuff

New short "comic" for the masses -- a little something I like to call Cereal Noir. Hope you enjoy it! Especially since I'm considering doing more pieces along these lines in the future. I also wrote a lengthy blurb in the Site Talk box on the main and content pages, for those of you with really good eyesight who don't mind squinting at the tiny text. And, of course, Wesoteric has been linked over there now. 😀

I also made quite a few modifications to the HTML on the content pages, although the visual output should be exactly the same. See, in the old days, before the style tag allowed us to set margins for elements, we webmasters utilized something called an invisible pixel to create spaces of varying lengths in a document. SC was mostly coded in the old style, so you'll find the invisible pixel all over the site if you look for it. Except on the main and content pages, that is, since I've pretty much eliminated it and added margin specs to the surrounding elements to achieve the desired spacing. I also made a slight modification to the CSS file there. Anyway, if you notice anything that looks off -- I could definitely have missed something -- let me know.

And finally, I was just thinking about how much this new site reminds me of the original SC layout. Gaze below and take your mind back to January '04... or just look at some of the older pieces on SC. For the most part, I haven't updated them, as I want these historic articles to be preserved in their original form. Anyway, look:

The original SC layout.

Granted, it's a lot more plain with the flat colors, as opposed to the hellish black lines we've added here (which aren't totally random, by the way -- I'll show you what the image actually is in a future post), but the grey and darker red are definitely represented. Interesting, no?

Anyway, that's all we've got this time around. Ja ne, minna-san!

-posted by Wes | 8:53 am | Comments (1)
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