Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 29, 2005
Hey, remember when I said...
Category: Miscellany

...that I didn't care if the old pages passed the XHTML validation check?

Yeah, I kinda lied. Granted, I have no intention of scanning and reposting every single post from the old blog again -- that would be overkill -- but I did go backwards from current posts through to fucking August correcting things as necessary to pass the bloody test. Turns out that it's not all of the posts that cause a problem -- just the ones in which I found it necessary to center something. Back on the old blog, I used divs to center things, which I didn't think was really a problem but then I didn't give a crap about XHTML validation over there because nobody stuck a bloody XHTML validation link up front and center and practically challenged me to face its various trials or forfeit my webmaster's honor. However, over here, things were (I think) also a little different. Whereas before I believe line breaks stayed line breaks, in WordPress two line breaks are converted to paragraph... you know what, let's not go into too much depth about it. Reading over those entries yesterday as I "fixed" them, I noticed just how much of my blog was discussion of its own design, or SC's design, or things I was planning for SC, etc. etc. So I won't go into that. Suffice it to say that I fixed a lot of the old posts and made 'em XHTML valid, and also figured out how to ensure that future posts will be valid as well. Alllllrighty then.

-posted by Wes | 10:12 pm | Comments (2)
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