Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 28, 2005
I did it.
Category: Miscellany

If I told you I spent the last 9+ hours, sitting here without food or drink, hell-bent on reposting every single post I ever wrote on the Blog of Wes until I'd fixed the aforementioned problem, would you believe me?

You should, because that's what I did. In addition to adding a few new categories and grouping the old posts accordingly, I also added (more...) links to a lot of the longer posts and GOOD GOD WHY THE FUCK DOES THE PHONE KEEP RINGING?!?!?!? I swear it must've rung like thirty times in the past five and a half minutes. Argh. Anyway, all of the old posts have been fixed. I don't know if they're XHTML compliant -- I didn't do that much with them -- and I don't bloody care, but they've been reposted and they're done. w00t.

Welcome to WESOTERIC. Please enjoy your stay. 😈

-posted by Wes | 8:39 pm | Comments (8)
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