Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 26, 2005 is almost alive...
Category: SC Updates … Technical Stuff

Well, I made a lot more headway with Wesoteric than I expected to this past week -- the site's almost ready to go live. New colors have been selected; a header graphic has been created. Fun fun. All that remains is to add some stuff to the sidebar and add a quote of some sort to the main content bar, and of course import of all of my Blogger posts, and we'll be set! It's kinda funny how on Monday I was complaining about the impossibility of all of this stuff and now I've pretty much got it covered. I've learned a lot about browser behavior (at least Mozilla and IE) where CSS rules are concerned -- enough, I think, to conceivably convert SC to a table-free layout, but I'm not going to do that anytime soon because I'm still quite satisfied with the way it looks now and I see no need to go changing a bunch of code just to get it to look exactly the same way it looks now. But if/when I decide to do a new layout for it, I'm game for a CSS layout.

I've picked up a tiny bit of PHP too -- admittedly, most of what I've been doing for the blog has merely entailed cutting and pasting and slight alterations, but even that's helped me to kinda figure out a little about what's going on. Given what I've learned, I could conceivably, I think, start using it in the SC article pages to some effect, but the only problem there is that I kinda like browsing the site on my HD (I pretty much have the whole site mirrored in a directory on my hard drive) and I don't have a local server running and therefore the PHP and Perl code doesn't execute on pages I have stored on my system. So whenever I get a local server up and running (or just decide to give it a try anyway), I'll definitely start fooling with that. And of course the Scary-Crayon blog looms on the horizon as well, though I'd like to try something other than WordPress to run it. True, so far I'm kind of digging WP, but something that doesn't require a MySQL database would be nice, since I'm limited to 100 MB of storage for said databases. Sure, that seems like a lot for something that would mostly consist of text posts, but I'd still rather not have so low an upper limit. Anyway, we'll see.

Anyway, as your bonus for reading through the dreadfully dull paragraphs above (or at least scrolling to the bottom to see the pretty shiny link), here's a preview of Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #35. It's quite appropriate for an Easter release, don't you think? I'll also have a special Easter Hot Flash tomorrow, and maybe a quick food piece too, so stay tuned for that/those.

And now I've got to get ready to go to the bookstore -- working an earlier shift today. I hope I'll survive! I've been in a lot of pain this week and being up and on my feet at the bookstore does not help -- I've actually left early two nights this week because it was fucking killing me. It's nothing serious; just a recurring problem that pops up from time to time. Usually triggered by stress or nervousness... and yeah, I was pretty nervous this week, especially on Wednesday. Well here's hoping all goes well and that at the very least I recover soon.

Until next time...!

-posted by Wes | 9:12 am | Comments (0)
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