Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 22, 2008
Category: Toys

You know, you really would not believe how many action figures I've purchased this week. Or maybe you would if you knew that I had a $5 off coupon (off of a purchase of at least $25) for KB Toys and that a local comic shop has an annual Easter sale during which action figures are 50% off -- even though a good chunk of the toys weren't included in either bonus. But with the exception of Orion today, all were discounted (ranging from $3.20 to $7.50), so take heart that I didn't run myself too far into debt.

Speaking of which, I did my taxes on a whim the other day. They're arguably depressing given that I didn't make too much money this year -- far less than I made in 2006, though I think I endured far less work-related headaches in 2007 so consider that my health care payment -- but that meant that I owed the government next to nothing. In fact, given that I made an optimistic estimated payment back when I did my taxes last year, they're giving me money back. Which kinda makes me feel good, since I don't feel like I'm financing this pointless war in Iraq and contributing much in the way of finances to the bombing of innocents and the needless disruption of people's lives on all sides. And the government will supposedly be sending me money as part of this economic stimulus thingy! I'm taking away from the war effort! I'm a crusader for peace, baby.

By the way, for those of you who may or may not have been wondering why I haven't posted too much during the past couple of months, here is the reason that I've been so preoccupied.

In Grodd we trust!

More on that later (though if you read the Scary-Crayon blog, you already know about The Gorilla Grodd Project), but yep. 🙂

-posted by Wes | 5:33 pm | Comments (5)
  • mickelodeon says:

    GRODD! How does Powers Boothe sound when he roars, assuming Grodd roars? He did a bang-up job as Jim Jones some years ago.

  • Wes says:

    Grodd doesn't do much in the way of roaring on the Justice League cartoon -- there's the occasional snarl or growl, but I'm not entirely sure Powers Boothe voices him when he does so. Assuming YouTube hasn't gotten rid of it by the time you see this, here is an appropriate Grodd clip! 🙂

  • mickelodeon says:

    Maybe it's because I can't see his face, but that doesn't even sound like Powers Boothe! Of course, I'm more used to seeing him play a drugged out megalomaniac in the jungles of South America, bent on killing nine hundred of his closest friends...thanks for the clip. Now I have a point of reference for Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrod!

  • De says:

    I like that you've added the Spear of Longinus. That's a really nice touch.

  • Jaded says:

    I made less money this year too. When the economy is bad, I'm the first thing to go in people's budgets. I've got fewer voice students and fewer voice-over gigs, so it's happening to individuals and businesses alike. Sheesh. Luckily Mr. Jaded has a "real" job, with raises and such.

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