Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 22, 2005
Category: Technical Stuff

(Pasted from another entry...)

So after installing WordPress on the new domain, I spent the better part of the day mucking with divs and PHP and CSS templates and other design-related crap only to rediscover what I should've remembered from way back when I first started this blog and then later when I attempted to convert SC to a primarily CSS-based layout -- for reliable cross-browser compatibility, tables are still the way to go. Now that I've settled on a table-based layout, I just need to decide on the design specifics for the new Implementation should go fairly smoothly then, but man I wasted a lot of time today! Ah well, at least I picked up a bit of PHP along the way... that include function should come in handy for future endeavors. But damn, this WordPress is complicated stuff! I dunno how Tina does it. 😛 Fooling with endless lists of variables and values and specifications that you didn't create and/or set and therefore have little idea how/where they are used -- or, for that matter, if they are used at all, let alone if you require them for your purposes -- is pretty mind-numbing stuff. It's enough to make me want to try coding the Scary-Crayon blog from scratch -- it'd be pretty difficult, true, but at least then I'd be mostly aware of what was going on. Anyway, the SC blog will be on hold until I've made more headway on

-posted by Wes | 12:07 am | Comments (9)
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