Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 20, 2006
Audio post: Fuck ET.
Category: Audio

That's "Entertainment Tonight", not Spielberg's little alien. I love that guy.

Anyway, the audio file is here. It's nothing over-the-top or excessive, but there is some bad language in this 1:19 post, so you know what not to do if that kind of thing offends you. When I started recording I was planning to go on to discuss the way that people's preoccupation with celebrities causes them to ignore and neglect other important things in their lives (yesterday I noted that although my mother goes to church on Sundays, she spends her entire week going on and on and on and on about Oprah and other such bullshit), but then I got kinda frustrated and decided to cut it short. I feel like making things explode.

All for now -- ja ne, minna-san.

-posted by Wes | 8:14 pm | Comments (1)
1 Comment »
  • Mickey says:

    When I was about fourteen, Entertainment Tonight was my must-see TV every night. As I've outgrown my need to follow the minutiae (sp?) of the lives of celebrities, it seems my mother has inherited it and it's weird to hear. I think she's broken her Oprah addiction, though, which is a good thing! =)

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