Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 19, 2004
To kill...time.
Category: Meme

Presently I'm searching for another quiz to throw up for the masses. In another window I'm perusing's "Highest Rated Quizzes" list. Many of them are specifically "for girls only." What does that say about who's mostly taking/writing/rating these things, hm? I'm tempted to go with the "What Kind of Vampire Are You?" quiz, despite that only crossdressing guys should take it (don't laugh, honey; I can probably fit your dress and one two sizes smaller ;P), but we're going to go with...

Which book of the Bible are you?

You are Proverbs

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

That actually sounds about right, except for the part about people listening to me and trusting me to guide them down the right path or anything. Not that I trust myself to guide them down the right path either. Meh.

So, let's have an update regarding my dvd troubles. I wasn't too happy with Anchor Bay because of those defective dvds, but I'll give them this -- their customer service is kickass. Shortly after noon I got a telephone call from the person who responds to the technical difficulties questions, and they're sending me a new copy of the dvd free of charge. If that one's defective too, I'm to contact her again, and they'll have to look into what's wrong with the press, because five defective dvds is a problem. Apparently -- according to what I've been able to find out on the web -- they're not all defective, but there do seem to be a lot of them out there that screw up in this same spot, so something's definitely up.

In any case, even if this one's defective too, that an Anchor Bay rep got back to me so quickly has definitely earned them some brownie points from me. Seriously, I really appreciate hard work and good customer service -- I once bought two large combo platters from a mall Chinese food place just because the guy handing out the free samples was so friendly and kept replacing the free samples every couple of minutes to keep the complimentary offerings piping hot. That's the kind of dedication that deserves your business, folks.

I also spent some time today combing the site logs for the past couple of weeks. According to the stats, it seems like every day more and more people are finding the site via google searches and the like, so it only seemed appropriate that I review the searches and terms that've brought visitors to the blog and Scary-Crayon. Interesting stuff, I've gotta say -- it seems like a pretty good percentage of the people who come to SC come looking for it, unless "scary crayon" refers to a little known death metal band or something. It's also worth noting that a few of the people who find the sites apparently come looking for me, with searches along the lines of "wes brandon blog", "wes scary crayon", and so forth.

The contents of the articles themselves, apparently, are drawing people -- and not in the random way that searches for "Oprah's birthday" bring hits to the blog and the SC main page. For example, the searches that brought people to the Maury episode review included the following:

bree napoleon height

"bree and napoleon"

tom desi maury


Maury's Opposite Couples

"I'm madly in love with my complete opposite"

maury povich i married my complete opposite

All of which pretty clearly refer to the episode at hand, except perhaps the last four, since Maury has done the topic before. The first three, however, are definitely references to people in the show, so there's no question about them -- and I'm wondering who the heck would search for information about that episode. Or any Maury episode that didn't have really hot people on it, for that matter; at least then I could understand them wanting screencaps or something. But this episode...bloody hell.

And of course a number of people find the site looking for info about the TMNT anime, so last night I threw the PayPal donation graphic onto the pages of that article -- maybe one of these folks will enjoy the piece so much that he/she feels like helping out, eh? ^_^;;

Got a couple of other really good searches, but I'm saving them for a potential SC article. Ja for now -- maybe next time I'll do the crossdressing vampire quiz. 😉

-posted by Wes | 9:04 pm | Comments (0)
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