Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 14, 2007
I hate the Tyra Banks show.

God, seriously. It's like she reeeeaally wants to be Oprah and highlight "pressing women's issues," except she lacks the clout or exposure to attract guests who actually have problems. So instead, she has these guests who kinda sorta have a few minor issues and go out of their way to overstate them and make them look like HUGE debilitating difficulties. For example, tonight's episode is about women with body-related self-esteem issues and eating disorders (again). They say one of the guests has an eating disorder because she doesn't eat. But actually she does eat, because she's hardly a skeletal stick figure -- she just eats infrequently. She eats when she's hungry. OMFG CALL OUT THE NUTRITIONIST BECAUSE THIS WOMAN HAS NOT BEEN BRAINWASHED INTO EATING THREE SQUARE MEALS A DAY AT SET TIMES REGARDLESS OF THE STATE OF HER APPETITE! They filmed a segment with her staring at a chunk of salmon while she whined about not wanting to eat it and crap. Um, isn't that why refrigeration and Saran wrap were invented? Toss that shit in the cooling unit and come back in a few hours -- problem solved.

And now they've got this chick on there and are like OMFG SHE IS A 30-SOMETHING MOTHER OF TWO AND YET SHE CAN WEAR CHILDREN'S CLOTHING SIZES. Hello, the woman is fucking 5'1" -- she's just tiny! There would be a problem if she couldn't fit into children's clothes. I can wear children's sizes too, but I don't think that I need to be on Tyra whining about it. And they just brought on the "self-esteem and body image expert," who is clearly overweight. Not that she should necessarily have a problem with that, but if she's supposed to teach these women to gain unnecessary weight to look like her and then be pleased about it, she should lose whatever crackerjack degrees and certification she has and plop her heavy ass down in the driver's seat of a city bus. I wouldn't take any weight-loss advice from Dr. Phil, either.

Conclusion: Tyra Banks should be exterminated.

-posted by Wes | 10:01 pm | Comments (13)
  • Omni says:

    I wonder what they'd say about ME... I only eat 1 meal a day.

  • Ben says:

    Hey. Jesus. I can't believe there are so many positive Tyra blogs. But the minority is out there and keeps plugging away. Good blog.

  • Wes says:

    Omni: Same here! I'm sure you are doing just fine.

    Ben: Wait, there are positive Tyra blogs?! Get outta town!

  • Walt says:

    Wes, if you're watching Ophra, and the Tyra Banks show, you need to get out of the house, and get a life. Go bowling, play some pool, or just go for a walk. Those women shows will poison your brain.

  • dave says:

    Two words. Ellen Degeneres.

  • juststop says:

    Here an alternative, you could just stop watching the shows you don't like. It's like putting your hand over a burning stove then complaining to us it's hot.

  • Molly says:

    I wish I could wear children's sizes; they make the cutest stuff for girls.

  • Becky says:

    I watched a few eps when I wasn't working about a year ago and I just had to stop for the very reasons that you described.

  • Wes says:

    JS: I'm not sure that you'll be around to read this comment -- I don't imagine that you're a semi-regular reader and your tone doesn't seem to indicate that you enjoyed your stay enough to return -- but I don't simply mean to point out that I dislike these shows (so perhaps the title of the post is a little misleading, though it is true). Rather, I mean to point out that I hate them because they are terrible! And they would be terrible whether I liked them or not.

    And I certainly don't go out of my way to watch them -- they just happen to be on in the house an awful lot. Walt is quite right about them poisoning people's minds, so I feel that it is my duty to bash them in the hopes of (at least) providing the opposition with a little support!

  • amanda xuza says:

    i disagree with the negetive comments about Tyra just because Oprah was the first black woman to have a TV show doesn't mean that everyone is trying to immetate her, she actually opened doors for other black women and she should be proud of that.

  • i hate her says:

    she is so annoying! I freaken hate her! im watching it right now and they are talking about this women who is a preacher/nutritiones and she is showing how she eats and stuff. tyra just keeps taking it like a joke like she will be like " o is god telling me to eat this" Dammit she is a ho. Yesterday she waas all arguing about Gorls Gon Wild and stuff about that. All her questions are like trying to fight againnst them. She is a Bi$%

  • scre you says:

    I love tyra banks so yall are jealous because that is not you on tv and making all that money and looking that good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TYRA KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous says:

    Hey, she's just cruel and evil...she shows that every time she appears. Oh, I forgot

Reply to Walt!