Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
February 14, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day!
Category: SC Updates

Happy Valentine's Day!

I mean that, people. 🙂 And for an amusing treat, head on over to Scary-Crayon for a couple of relevant articles: a review of Triton's Chocolate Dipped Banana Bits and a rather... thorough assessment of LifeStyles Flavored Condoms! Craziness. It's also kind of interesting that I reference sex ed courses in both of the pieces, since my view of sex in those days still very much represents my attitude towards and understanding of the topic. As in those days, sex isn't something that I think much about at all (except in the joking way reflected in many of the SC Hot Flashes), and while I had crushes at that age and continue to have them, I guess, my romantic fantasies involve moonlit jogs in the park and falling asleep together on the couch watching indie horror films -- not Barry White and naked bedroom romps.

Now that I think about it, it's kind of weird that they taught and continue to teach sex ed to kids at that age, given that the kids who were interested in sex and/or sexually active already knew far more than the courses intended to teach, whereas the rest of us fell into fits of laughter whenever the teacher said "penis" and "vagina". Are the schools trying to sexualize America's youth? I wonder if that's part of their hidden agenda. Hmmm.

Anyway, if you want to celebrate the day with some Teen Titans video goodness, check out this Terra and Beast Boy tribute by amvfan. And if you dig Terra and want to see more of her (why wouldn't you? Terra rocks!), check out this and this too.

Happy V-Day, minna-san! Ja ne. 🙂

-posted by Wes | 3:34 am | Comments (1)
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