Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
February 1, 2006
I think I'm getting the hang of this...

Tammy and the T-Rex, now on DVD!

So after authoring a few basic DVDs, I tried to go for a more complicated one with a chapter menu and even the friggin' trailers from the VHS. Fun. Pretty time consuming, given that I actually had to watch the movie again to pick spots for chapter breaks (ugh), do quite a bit of image work for the menus (about as much as your average Scary-Crayon article, if not slightly more), and learn about the use of variables in the xml structure of DVD authoring programs to get the thing to behave the way I wanted, but I'm now pretty satisfied with my Tammy and the T-Rex DVD. Note the cute little T-Rex selection thingies -- I made those from Joe and Mac screencaps. Pretty cool, eh?

Aaaand now I need to get back to work. Then, Scary-Crayon updates!

-posted by Wes | 8:18 am | Comments (3)
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