Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
January 17, 2007
Scary-Crayon: The Best and Worst of 2006!
Category: Linkage … SC Updates

Okay, so I don't post Scary-Crayon updates here as much as I did before the creation of the SC blog (I figure that interested parties will subscribe to the RSS feed or something), but I definitely recommend checking out the latest article. Well, I don't recommend doing so the way I'd recommend that you brush and floss regularly and not drink nail polish, but... yeah. This one's arguably got more in common with a Wesoteric entry than a standard SC article, as it focuses less on the specific subjects than my thoughts on the selections and reasons for picking them, so insofar as you find my observations and comments and stuff to be remotely interesting you should enjoy it. And then, when you finish reading that, you can also have a look at Molly's and Greg's lists! I like team-up type articles. 🙂

Some other neat stuff came out of the article, too: Molly and I were able to solve a mystery involving disappearing images and missing html code (apparently McAfee was the culprit), and fooling with programs with Greg has resulted in me developing a newfound appreciation of and respect for WinSCP. The piece also gave me a chance to practice some fun new image editing techniques! I'm particularly pleased with the Dalek spread.


And speaking of Daleks, Greg pointed out this picture from the archives, which I took at Shore Leave 26 in 2004. I took it because the Avengers figures made me think of Mickey Glitter, but look what else is in the picture! A DALEK! Actually, there are apparently several boxes of Daleks framing the Avengers. Greg rightly notes that if this were to happen today, I probably wouldn't even notice the Avengers figures as I grabbed at the boxes while spasming uncontrollably and shrieking, "EXTERMINATE!!!!" I wish I had a TARDIS so that I could travel back in time to that day!

All for now, then. Ja! 🙂

-posted by Wes | 12:52 pm | Comments (3)
  • Mickelodeon says:

    I would likely be more likely to notice the Daleks now, as well, but I would still hone in on The Avengers first, with the Daleks just so much gravy to the experience. =) And I might well find myself shrieking, as well. I do it now, so why not in a place where it may be more expected??? (VBG)

  • De says:

    Check out this gorgeous item from WhoNA (and at a decent price):

    Now I need to snag some Cybermen for a bit of a battle royale.



  • Wes says:

    Well, thanks for that, De! I hadn't planned on making a $40 purchase on the spot, but there was no way I could pass up those Daleks at roughly $10 apiece even after shipping. (On the plus side, you've saved me from ordering a 12" Dalek in the near future. I would much rather have these little guys around, even if they likely won't be as effective at menacing Bacardi without the light and sound action. :)) Didn't see anything remotely close to this price on eBay, either, so ordering these from WhoNA seems like the way to go.

    Perhaps the Cult of Skaro will engage the paper Dalek army as warring factions in a future episode of Dusty Plastic HELL! :mrgreen:

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