Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
January 13, 2006
Oh baby
Category: SC Updates

Mmm... Felicia.

That, dear readers, is hotness. Heeeere kitty kitty... 😉 Oh, and for audience members who actually recognize the character (Parizad, maybe?), the latest Scary-Crayon article may be of interest to you. And if you find the idea of someone mistaking me for a sexy blue-haired lass and flirting with me via IM to be amusing, the latter part of the latest Scary-Crayon blog entry may satisfy your desire to chuckle at your desk!

Totally awesome, dudes!

In other news, while the impending close of the local Toys 'R' Us is a source of much sadness for me (with the loss of KB Toys last year, this was the only surviving toy store in Laurel), the slashed prices did allow me to pick up the Ninja Action versions of the green team for under $8 total, whereas these guys are still running upwards of $10 in successful retail stores. It's depressing, but hopefully the coming weeks will afford similar deals to lessen the pain.

I sure hope it doesn't rain today, 'cause in addition to hitting up the store for more Donatellos, I'm planning to walk the town in the interest of taking advantage of the numerous free food deals taking place. With camera in hand, of course!

Ja ne, minna-san. Until next time! 😀

-posted by Wes | 6:45 am | Comments (3)
  • Parizad says:

    In fact, one person who read it apparently installed AIM for the express purpose of flirting with me and inducing me to

    Hey, I want your AIM!! What does a girl have to do to get it?

    Btw, that's a hilarious convo you posted. 😀

  • Sarah says:

    1) You are SOOO cute in the photo of you when you were young

    2) I only found out last Friday that Shredder is a 'bad guy' from Ninja Turtles. My second graders have been harping on about Shredder for a looong time and I always assumed they were discussing a chipper finding some horrible way for me to die.

    3) So I guess Ninja Turtles are still popular in 2006. Hmm.

  • Becky says:

    The very first movie I ushered was TM2 and it was the messiest I ever worked, by far. But, don't you think they lost a little bit of credibility by having Vanilla Ice in their movie?

Reply to Parizad!