Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
January 12, 2008
Pending Photo Post!
Category: Photo … Toys

Still working on that "official" new year's post -- it's currently in the form of a half-finished draft -- but here is a quick photo post in the meantime!

Wes hearts Scary-Crayon.

I'm planning on redoing Scary-Crayon's site info page and including a proper "About Me" blurb, so I decided to take a new photo for it. I know how much you were pining for another shirtless Wes pic, but I decided to try out the new SC shirt I ordered and pose with the original site mascots and inspirations for the design (as well as the site's name). Behind me on the top shelf is somewhere between 30% and 50% of the insane amount of Transformers toys I acquired last year. If you look closely, you can also see Yoshi and some Creepy Freaks on the bottom shelf.

For the most part, I've successfully overcome the Transformers obsession that led me to spend disgusting amounts of money and time stalking eBay auctions for the sole purpose of augmenting my collection of robots in disguise. However, I've moved into another phase that focuses on the SuperFriends/Justice League and related DC Comics characters! I don't anticipate it reaching the point of my Transformers obsession, though. See, whereas I was starting from scratch in that case and got lost in the vastness of the franchise, I know enough about the Justice League for there to be a limiting focus. Specifically, I'll primarily be sticking to characters who were featured prominently in the most recent DC Animated Universe -- so while I definitely want a Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman figure and could do with a John Stewart, I'm not so much interested in Hawkman or Hal Jordan. At this point, however, I'm most concerned with acquiring the villain Darkseid.

Flash is not pictured because he was taking the photo.

Anyway, that was just the setup for the next couple of photos. 😛 While playing around with the light tent, I tried using the flash to see what kinds of shots I could get out of it. Above is one, which I think looks fairly okay...

Coming soon... Batman and Batgirl!

...but I like this one without the flash even better. For this one, I moved the lights farther away from the tent and turned down the exposure. It doesn't look as good in the smaller scale, but click the image for the larger picture -- much more impressive.

New Hampshire Gothic.

And finally, a screencap of a woman whom I rather fancied while watching the New Hampshire debates last weekend. Some have pointed out how sad she looks -- perhaps that is part of why I like her so much! I do think that melancholy expressions tend to work quite well with pale skin, red lips, and dark hair and clothing. 😉

All for now, then. Still to come: wishes for the new year and discussions of parting and inaugural dreams! :mrgreen:

-posted by Wes | 12:08 pm | Comments (7)
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