Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
January 4, 2005
Sick again.
Category: Miscellany

I dunno if it was walking back here in the rain last night or inadvertently inhaling way too many glue fumes or some sickly combination of the two or something else entirely, but yeah, I'm back in illsville tonight. Unlike last time, it's a different kind of sick -- I'm not hacking up green phlegm ad infinitum, I just feel drained and like utter crap despite sleeping for ten hours, though admittedly about four of them were spent violently twisting about in the bed while mumbling to myself like a raving lunatic and wondering desperately and seriously why I couldn't think coherent thoughts, because these thoughts were utterly insane and yet I just couldn't stop the deluge of them from forcefully crashing down on the broken beach inside my sandy little skull. I almost feel like I'm not here, and like certain vital organs aren't here, because I've got these icky feelings of utter emptiness in my head and behind my eyes and in the back of my throat and in my hollow chest cavity and in the pit of my gut... I imagine this is what it would feel like to be disassembled molecule by molecule for the purpose of being transported to some other location via sci-fi teleportation methods. Beam me up, Scotty! Where are you sending me? I hope it's somewhere nice.

-posted by Wes | 6:01 pm | Comments (0)
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