Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 3, 2004
Judgment reviewed.
Category: Meme … SC Updates … Serious … TV, Film, & DVDs

So I just got through watching Judgment on dvd. I pulled it out of the massive $5.50 bin in Walmart, and -- I'll be honest -- I was expecting it to really suck. Granted, I expected it to be awfully entertaining. After all, it had Mr. T, larger than life, on the dvd cover, and the premise of the movie has to do with the trial of none other than God Him/Her/Itself. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 5:26 am | Comments (0)
March 17, 2004
Last night as I slumbered...
Category: Dreams … TV, Film, & DVDs

So I exchanged that defective Dawn of the Dead dvd for another one today, and here's the deal -- either lady working the exchange desk accidentally/intentionally-just-to-screw-with-me gave me back the same defective copy, or I had the misfortune of grabbing another defective copy, 'cause this one screws up in the same exact spot. Who's really annoyed? Give ya three guesses.


Last night as I slumbered I had a strange dream... (more...)

-posted by Wes | 6:52 pm | Comments (0)