Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
September 10, 2009
Mah teefs is kleen!
Category: Miscellany

So I survived my dental appointment! I'm a tiny bit disappointed about that -- I was very much looking forward to haunting all of you out there! -- but I'm glad that the appointment went rather well. Amazingly, I had no cavities, and apparently my gums are healthy as well! w00t!

I also saw a new dentist this time around (apparently the last time I saw a dentist was in August 2006). I didn't much like the last guy -- among other things, he was an unctuous sort who kept going on about my "pretty teeth" as if he wanted to fuck my mouth -- but I think I'll go to this new one again (assuming I'm still in the area whenever I decide I need another teeth cleaning). One thing I liked about her was that she didn't mention any unnecessary work. See, I have an open bite -- in front, my teeth don't meet -- so usually dentists will at least suggest fixing it, even though it's fine in a medical sense and would require them to fucking cut the part with my bottom teeth off of my jaw, suspend it, and let the bone grow back together. My teeth also aren't the whitest, so dentists will usually mention their whitening services or something. This dentist didn't say anything. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 11:34 pm | Comments (2)
September 8, 2009
Fear for mah teefs
Category: Miscellany

I have an appointment with the dentist today! So if there's a freak accident and I get decapitated or otherwise shuffle off this mortal coil, I will SEE YOU SOON because I'm totally swinging by for a visitation. Should you notice your Dalek figures trundling along by themselves or hear the sound of teeth chattering near your neck, do not be alarmed. And if you respond by saying my name three times, maybe I'll materialize wearing a snazzy suit with vertical black and white stripes!

Winona Ryder was such a cutie as Lydia, wasn't she?

-posted by Wes | 3:25 am | Comments (2)
September 4, 2009
Sentences of hilarity
Category: Linkage

From General Mills monster-themed breakfast cereals on Wikipedia:

Franken Berry was very popular when first introduced, even though the initial batches of the cereal used a dye that didn't break down in the body, causing many children's feces to be bright pink -- a symptom sometimes referred to as "Frankenberry Stool."

From Chubby bunny on Wikipedia:

Fish's parents subsequently sued the school district and appeared on "Oprah" to warn about the dangers of Chubby Bunny.


-posted by Wes | 12:45 pm | Comments (2)
September 3, 2009
The strongest woman in the world.
Category: SC Updates … Toys

So I don't often post about Scary-Crayon updates over here these days, but I'm particularly pleased with this latest action figure review (as well as the new layout I'm implementing for toy reviews). I love me some Chun-Li.

The Street Fighter gang!

These figures really bring back memories. 🙂

-posted by Wes | 4:30 am | Comments (0)