Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
October 24, 2007
Arctic Camouflage... BACARDI!
Category: Photo

And he's like, ''It's better than yours...''

Our bowwow buddy has returned! And in other news, Wesoteric has been upgraded to WordPress 2.3. Yep.

-posted by Wes | 10:21 am | Comments (1)
October 17, 2007
About that court case...
Category: Serious

I haven't written about this on the blog before, but those of you whom I've told in outside conversations already know how ridiculous this is going to sound. Here goes: for the past several months, my mother has been stalked by an acquaintance from her church. "Stalking" is not a term that I use lightly -- as you likely well know -- but I have no other term for an individual who sends creepy cards, phones incessantly (he literally called forty -- yes, 40 -- times on one particular day), stares at his target constantly during church sessions and follows her around afterwards despite being told to stop, and frequently drives past the home of another person who lives in a different town in a residential neighborhood on a freaking cul-de-sac for the sole purpose of peering into the garage and leaving pamphlets and church programs on the porch. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:28 pm | Comments (18)
Fear Factor
Category: Serious

I am off to court now. Hopefully everything will be okay and I will return to elaborate on the details, but if something crazy happens and I do not return... it was nice knowing y'all.

-posted by Wes | 8:17 am | Comments (2)
October 15, 2007
If you build them, they will EXTERMINATE
Category: Miscellany



And that is how I lost track of three and a half hours.

-posted by Wes | 3:44 am | Comments (3)
October 4, 2007
Today is the day
Category: Photo

Happy Birthday!

Twenty-six years ago today, a Wes was born! I have scanned and posted a few childhood photos below to mark the occasion. :mrgreen:

Am I holding a french fry?

For a second I thought that was Reagan on the telly.

That's MISTER Horn Head to you, bub!

Newspaper clippings are fun!

Goodnight, Wes.

Considering that I'm about to take a little nap (I've been awake since roughly 2:00 AM...) that last photo seems especially appropriate. Ja! 🙂

-posted by Wes | 2:04 pm | Comments (10)