Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
September 8, 2004
Leeching! Knockoffs! To be continued...
Category: Miscellany

Okay, Scary-Crayon's not really experiencing a popularity surge -- it's just that the bandwidth leeches and image thieves are out in full force and I'm not amused. Apparently a livejournal user who happens to be on fifty-billion friends' lists sourced an image from the April article, and now it's gotten a TON of referrals. It's not that large an image, and for most of the viewers it should spawn an error message (for some reason, the image displays fine on foreign computers in Anon's browser), but still, it's apparently raising the bandwidth numbers quite a bit. Sigh.

In other news, I found TMNT bootlegs today in Chinatown! But I think they might be candles, as Raphael has a wick coming out of his head. None of the others do, though. Unlike some of the other pretty decent bootlegs I've seen, these are really awful knockoffs -- they're not even articulated. But I'll say no more for now, as they'll be getting their own SC review (of course) when I get back to MD.

There are definitely more things to be said about the past few days (including Anon's first trip to a Chinatown VCD shop, which he did NOT enjoy -- sorry for dragging you in there, pal...), but I'll write about those at a later time. STAY TUNED!!!

-posted by Wes | 9:30 pm | Comments (0)
Four Point Post.
Category: Miscellany

1. Tuesday Night Trivia was interesting. Probably not something I'd attend too often if I lived in the area, but only because I was pretty much useless until the visual round at the very end. (Contrary to certain recent comments about me, I'm well aware that I don't know everything. ;P) That last round was really my thing, though (see some of the answers starring in Dusty Plastic HELL #2, Where's April??? Part 2, Turtle Spew, and A Crayon Haiku #16 on SC; I also drew a picture of one here). I did, however, get our team a point for the Big Brother 5 question, but that's because I figured there's no way Nakomis (Jennifer) could've been voted off. She's gorgeous -- watch the videos and you'll see what I mean. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:53 am | Comments (0)
September 7, 2004
The King of Nothing
Category: Miscellany

Hi all -- still on vacation. From what I can remember (I just wrote that to psych you out. I remember most of the party, because I didn't drink that much, and certainly not as much as our pal Sydney...) Sunday night's shindig was great fun, though apparently Pam, Anon, and I left before things got really interesting. Ah well. Thanks a lot for hosting, Sarah and Zoey! I took pics; they'll go up when I get back. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 12:02 am | Comments (0)
September 5, 2004
Worship the dinosaur.
Category: Miscellany

Hey all! Quick note to let you know I made it out to the Big Apple okay. The Anonymous Blogger is a great host so far -- despite what some of his posts might lead you to believe about his attitude, he comes across as a pretty nice guy. He can't compete with the giant mechanized T-Rex in the Manhattan Toys 'R' Us, though. That thing is my new best friend.

Yeah, it's retail, and retail sucks, but I would work in that store forever (well, maybe not that long) just to be close to the T-Rex. All hail the T-Rex.

Ave T-Rex. Ave T-Rex. Ave T-Rex.

Ja for now! 🙂

Ave T-Rex.

-posted by Wes | 9:40 am | Comments (0)
September 4, 2004
And I'm off!
Category: Miscellany

Alrighty folks, this is my last message before I shut down the machine. If I can post from NYC, my next post will be from there! If not, I should/hope I'll have access to e-mail, so feel free to drop me a line to check in and whatnot. If I'm not back in a week, something's wrong, so direct all vengeful feelings towards The Anonymous Blogger. Post nasty comments or something. I dunno.

Ja ne, minna-san!

-posted by Wes | 5:56 am | Comments (0)