Hoping to get the second part of the Christmas with Gumby review written and uploaded before I leave for the fucking bookstore tomorrow. I owe more people e-mails too, so we'll see if I make any more progress with that. A couple of cute Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flashes are on the way, too. I had no idea they'd turn out to be so heartwarming!
This is assuming I don't sleep excessively and not get them done -- apparently my body is trying to catch up on all of the rest it missed during the average of 55 hours per week that I've been working since late September. I'd hoped to get more work done today, but I ended up mostly just laying around and watching "Excel Saga". It rocks! Did get a few e-mails sent out today, though.
Here's hoping the rest of the week is slightly more productive on all fronts!