Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
September 3, 2004
STAY TUNED!!! And a dream.
Category: Dreams

Okay, with the exception of the modifications to the main and archive pages, everything's all set for today's massive Scary-Crayon update. Unfortunately, I've got to get ready and hurry off to work, so I won't be able to update until I get back, but we're definitely on track to have that up around 6 or 7-ish.

Had a really weird dream last night/this morning (I only slept for about 90 mins) in which I found an abandoned crab and was bringing it home to be my pet. It looked more like a cartoonish, stuffed animal crab than a real one, given that it had a mouth and large eyes and could make recognizeable expressions and whatnot, but it did have a hard shell, which got slightly cracked during the journey and which I bandaged with torn pages from a discarded magazine as we moved along. At one point, I encountered this guy standing under a streetlight and smoking a cigarette, who informed me that crabs were for eating. I told him, "They eat dogs in China. Would you eat a dog?" He said something like, "I have -- not very tasty, though." And then in another part of the dream I was halfway down a storm drain while big trucks rode by and their tires scraped against my back. Anyway, I woke up before I got the crab home, but the last thing I remember is sitting atop the storm drain and rocking the crab while it smiled up at me.

So, here's your bonus for being loyal blog readers -- they're not officially up, but here are A Crayon Haiku #16 and Crayon Poetry Corner: Resident Evil 2 Edition. There are still two more pieces in the wings -- food pieces at that -- but you'll have to wait until this evening for those. Believe me when I tell you that they're worth it.

Okay, off to work. Ja for now!

-posted by Wes | 9:00 am | Comments (0)
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