Bacardi has discovered a box!
What's inside the box, you ask?
Could it be...?
YES! Whoplastic.
So yeah, lots of new Doctor Who figures arrived today. I'm not terribly pleased about how much I spent on these -- though I got very good deals on most of them; it was the only way I could justify paying top dollar for the two San Diego Comic-Con exclusive 2-packs at the top -- but on the plus side my Whoplastic collection is nearing completion. Really, after I get the third and seventh Doctors (the former's due quite soon), I'll be content to never buy another DW figure again.
Until they release certain classic companions, anyway... and classic Master figures would be must-haves as well. Oh, and a Vervoid, though somehow I doubt Character Options would put one of those things on the shelves. Impressionable minds of children and all...