Hi there. Sorry about the lack of posting, e-mail responses, Scary-Crayon articles, et cetera as of late -- I've been feeling the pain of what I think is the beginning stages of carpal tunnel syndrome, so I haven't really been feeling up to doing too much in the way of typing outside of what I am required to do to receive payment. (Well, I did -- finally -- get a review of Transformers up on SC, but even that took me quite a while.) I've tried quite a few things to rectify the problem -- everything from switching computer chairs to one with an adjustable height to buying gloves to support my wrists while I type to, yesterday, purchasing an external USB keyboard for the laptop in the hopes that typing on the tiny laptop keyboard was the source of the problem, but nothing thus far seems to have yielded any truly impressive differences. The gloves made my hands feel better for like a day, but then all of a sudden they started feeling even worse -- not in the wrist area but in my thumbs -- to the point where I ended up tearing them off of my hands and running out to buy the keyboard almost the second my fingers were free. I feel a bit less pain using the keyboard, but it has been replaced by an odd tingling up and down my arms and a dull ache in my shoulders that worry me slightly. I've also noticed that holding the mouse (or mice, since another one came with the new keyboard) causes the thumb pain to resurface in my right hand, so for the time being I've configured my gamepad to serve as the mouse and am controlling it with my left hand. It's a bit awkward, though, as is staring at the distant laptop screen since I am no longer hovering above it.
Anyway, hopefully I will improve soon -- just wanted to sort of let people know why I have been even more lax than usual concerning posting and e-mail replies and whatnot as of late. (And I still have so much to say about Shanghai, too, to say nothing of recent dreams involving the Doctor!) Ja ne for now, then -- hope y'all are doing well.