Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 11, 2013
The Flood and Climate Change
Category: Current Events

So like most of the random articles I read these days, this one was posted by someone on Facebook. I'm kinda not sure what to think of it, though I suppose it's not terribly surprising. Here, have a look:

Addicting Info: Republican Uses Noah's Ark Myth To 'Disprove' Man Made Climate Change


Though I will say that the author of that article didn't impress me with her so-called takedown of Barton:

"Barton says that the Great Flood is an example of Climate Change, when in fact the Bible states that the earth was flooded to rid the earth of sin. ... So in other words the Great Flood was not a change in climate at all but God’s wrath brought upon all of the sinners and his intention was to cleanse the earth and start anew."

It could totally be both, though; the author is confusing God's intent with His potential mechanism of action. The torrential rains that caused the Flood (in one account) could have been a byproduct of God-made climate change -- which God engineered because He was super pissed at humanity and wanted to wipe the slate clean. There's no necessary contradiction there.

(I suppose one could make the argument that the change in climate that caused the Flood was more sudden -- and thus doesn't count as climate change proper -- but the rain that lasted for forty days and forty nights could have been the exclamation point at the end of a climate-changey sentence God started writing decades earlier.)

-posted by Wes | 7:45 pm | Comments (2)
  • Walter says:

    This may give you some help with the weather.

  • TR says:

    Not to snub religious people, or agnostics or atheists, or any other people, but it usually doesn't fly well with U.S. scientists, if you pull out holy books or stories about [not-scientifically proven gods or goddesses + their actions], and then say that these gods are messing with the climate.

    Just me: it probably doesn't go over well, if I tell congress that Noah's story is connected to the climate, just as, in drought times, I probably won't tell people about [how to move water, + to look to Moses for scientific ways to move water]. That's just my take on the congressman's(?) statement. Hm.

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