Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 8, 2009
Imagination: life is your creation
Category: Linkage … Toys

More Barbie stuff: this article is fairly amusing. Perhaps Barbie needs a sammich? Also, that photo of Brigitte Bardot in the article is not attractive at all -- that's one of those figures that looks great on cartoon characters, but not so much on people in real life.

Brigette Bardot also sounds like a pretty hateful person.

But here's my primary reason for revisiting the topic: I saw the 50th Anniversary Barbies yesterday! I'm not sure if they're supposed to be out before Monday or if the store just broke the street date, but there they were on an isolated display at Safeway, of all places. They were $12.49, which was too rich for my blood -- I think I'll wait until the special $3 price goes into effect. And heck if I could tell you what's different about the face! I'm no Barbie expert, so it looked the same to me as all of the other recent Barbies (and there weren't any others available for comparison). That said, judging from the photo of the creepy-looking 1959 Barbie, she's definitely had some work done over the years.

-posted by Wes | 12:42 pm | Comments (1)
1 Comment »
  • Mickelodeon says:

    She was relatively attractive in "Shalako," and even though she had a larger role than Honor Blackman, the lovely Ms. Blackman was totally better in the movie - and naturally, tons prettier, even if she did die in a typical Honor Blackman movie-death way. =)

Reply to Mickelodeon!