I find this debate about how people produce their X's oddly fascinating! For me, my technique very much depends upon whether I'm *drawing* or *writing* an X. When I *draw* an X -- where precision matters -- apparently I do 7 or 8, depending upon where I'm positioning the X in relation to other elements on the page. But when *writing* an X -- where my primary objective is to get the letters out and not interrupt the progression of my instrument -- I'm mostly doing 5, likely in part because that follows from cursive and leaves my pen in a better place to begin the next letter. Hm.
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I want to breed long-bodied pigs.
A random thing I've learned: having a match extinguished in your drink won't ruin the drink, but promptly remove the match unless you enjoy grit in your final sips.
I wish I were excited about eating dead soggy worms.
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Yes, I actually wrote a 50,000+ word "novel" in a single month -- and here's how I did it! :D

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