So, have you ever had one of those days on which you don't want to get out of bed because you're having this really odd and interesting dream and you know that despite being woken by the alarm and being completely awake and even having gone to the bathroom and drunk a glass of water, you'll be able to resume the dream when you crawl back under the covers and close your eyes? Well, that's totally what kept me from crawling out of bed until around 3:30 PM yesterday (and I probably would've stayed even longer, but I had to get to work!) despite initially having set my alarm for 11:00 AM and constantly re-setting it to wake me 45 minutes later every time it interrupted my wacky hijinx on the other side of consciousness. Admittedly, I used to have days like this all the time during my junior year of college (seriously, I'd even skip classes and/or attend them with the express intention of sleeping through them, all for the pleasure of gallavanting with my supernatural pals in a twisted version of the Greek pantheon), which I think had something to do with the fact that I was subsisting on like twenty cookies and a single tuna fish sandwich a day. Similarly, attribute yesterday's adventure to my insane consumption of little chocolate bars over the past couple of days. What's going to happen when I go to sleep upon finishing this post? I can't wait to find out!
I sadly don't remember the dream in its entirety -- or at least I'm pretty sure that more happened, given the length of time that I was asleep and the paucity of details that I can currently recall -- but somehow I ended up hanging out in the parking lot of a local shopping center with two girls who were or were at least somehow based upon I've never actually met in real life. Now, as far as I know, in the real world they've never met each other unless through interactions in my comments section and are related only in the sense that I adore them both, but for some reason they were sisters in the dream. They were also both about my age, despite the fact that one of them is like ten years my senior.
So anyway, we're sitting in this parking lot, talking, and one sister starts going on about how she's totally about to throw up. For some reason this prompts me to take her hand and start telling her that everything's going to be okay -- as if she's just confided that she's been diagnosed with a terrible disease or that she's just found out that aliens have eaten her entire family -- whereupon she comments on the coldness of my hands. She then proceeds to talk about how, at length, she was nervous earlier in the day, and this nervousness caused her to sweat so profusely from her hands that the resultant river came up to her ankles.
She leaves to go throw up in the bathroom of the nearby McDonald's, leaving me alone with the other sister. I forget what we talked about, but after a bit this sister notes that she's cold and is going to walk home -- and for some reason I assume that she lives just around the corner and will be okay. When her sister returns from puking, she tells me that, in truth, they live far, far away, and that terrible danger will befall her sister if we do not find her before she reaches her destination. In hindsight, this strikes me as being kinda odd, seeing as how if she got home she'd be okay, but in the dream I just went along with it.
This sister drove a double-decker bus with a scouting post protruding from the top of it. She drove; I stood at this high, vantage point and peered into the distance in search of the sister. We traversed many bumpy roads, with me almost falling out of this post a number of times and being quite hot underneath the glare of the desert sun, because our travels took us across the desert -- which somehow happened to be located in the middle of my hometown -- and back into an area of this city, and then into a bizarro version of shopping center from which we'd started. Finally, we ended up at this massive high-rise apartment building, where apparently the sisters lived, whereupon we were going to wait for the sister to arrive so that we could intercept her before she entered, because terrible things would happen if she entered alone after having come that long way on foot. And because we needed to spot her from a distance, we sat on the roof of the bus, keeping watch and eating jelly sandwiches while wiggling our bare toes and telling jokes.
That's all I remember. Wacky, no? And now it's time for me to retire for the night! In the meantime, if you've anything to suggest in the way of analysis, ah'm list'nin'. 😉