In other news, two new Doctor Who-related articles are up on Scary-Crayon! And the DMV is a haven for jailbait in the summer.

June 28, 2008
Hey, I commented on the prior entry on Dr. Who The Library. By the way, did you catch the episode a few weeks back where there was a giant bug (bee/slug, who knows which) and the Doctor was urgently seeking table salt? It WAS the Extra's episode!!
Also, isn't it more reasonable for the Tardis to recognize the Doctor's snap than for it to actually need a key? Of all the things the Doctor has seen, done or heard about, is that really 'impossible' to him?
Dude, I don't think they'll go there, but isn't his hand in a jar on the TARDIS? Is it possible for that hand to be stolen and for someone else to 'snap' with it? Since that's idiotic, we know it's within bounds for this show.
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