Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
October 6, 2005
Spider-Man 3 Villains
Category: Art

Sandman and Venom!


-posted by Wes | 3:56 am | Comments (5)
September 27, 2005
Datte nanda ka...
Category: Art

HONEY FLASH! (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:42 am | Comments (5)
September 8, 2005
Creative and cold.
Category: Art … SC Updates

So since I haven't been working and have decided to buckle down and apply for graduate study, I've been feeling a little more creative. While I'm having trouble ending that short story I started the other night (it's really short; another paragraph will do it) -- as well as another old one I began at work a while back and have just rediscovered (same deal; a paragraph or two more and it'll be complete) -- I've started penning another screenplay (which should be great; it's an idea I've been kicking around for a while, and it's based more/less on a folk tale, so many of the developments are already... developed). Also, to reacquaint myself with the format, I dug up the last unfinished screenplay I wrote -- an assignment I did for a screenwriting course at Yale; we were supposed to submit a half-finished screenplay with the rest of the story outlined as our final "project" -- and reading over it, I'm finding myself thinking that it's actually very good and worth finishing. I've got some great dialogue in here, and some themes are explored that I'd like to incorporate into the new screenplay as well. Fun times. And, as you'll see in a moment, I've also been doing some sketching.

Hopefully I won't get so caught up in this stuff that I completely forget about the grad school applications! I won't, though -- just saying. 😛

So one thing in particular has bugged me about the hurricane coverage -- the fact that the hurricane is named "Katrina". Other hurricane names in recent memory haven't been quite as troubling, but when they talk about the "devastation left in Katrina's wake" all I can picture is a really gorgeous and vicious woman wading through water destroying everything she touches... so I was inspired to sketch the image of Katrina that keeps playing in my head. The problem, though, is that I think she needs to be wearing something... but I can't imagine what the human incarnation of a force of nature would wear. True, togas and hooded robes seem appropriate for her station, but I think an ultra-powerful swamp queen needs something different... if anything at all. Force of nature, al natural. I dunno.

Also, oddly enough, I think I'm more stressed now than I was when I was freaking out about the whole moving thing -- or at least I feel like I am. Even then, at my worst, I'd touch this stress card and it'd read me as being calm, but now that I've got very little to worry about in the immediate sense, it's saying I'm super stressed in that the temperature sensor thing isn't changing at all. I feel very, very cold and I'm shaking a lot. I don't know what that means.

Okay, I'm out -- will post more in a few days. In the meantime, feel free to check out the latest Scary-Crayon article, which was actually "done" out of my NYC hostel room! Ja ne.

-posted by Wes | 7:01 pm | Comments (7)
July 6, 2005
Ho-pu-re-su ro-man-ti-ku?
Category: Art … Fiction? … SC Updates

Hi everyone! Hope you had a good and relaxing and productive 4th of July weekend. Mine wasn't quite as productive as I'd hoped (alas!), but, as I noted previously, I did get this blog nice 'n' tweaked and the Scary-Crayon blog online (finally!), so that's something. Naturally, I often feel like a writer or an editor or a graphic artist or, heaven forbid, a blogger, when working on my various 'net projects, but this past weekend I actually felt like a webmaster again. 'Twas nice. Oh, and in case you didn't see it (it was mentioned in the SC blog!), I put up a July 4th Foodstuffs article last night. If you've got comments about it, voice 'em over there. 🙂

Anyway, to make up for the more/less technical posts of the past few days, here's something I stumbled across in my old folders over the weekend and am quite frankly a little embarrassed to share (but not entirely so; otherwise I wouldn't do it) -- a short tribute of sorts that I wrote for a crush of mine way back in summer 2001. I have, naturally, removed the woman's name from the piece (though the few readers who've known me for a while will probably remember with ease, given the way I gushed about her back then), and the central portion of the piece, which actually contained a legitimate dictionary definition of her name (copied from The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus; in the original document, the reprinted text, which I added, constituted the final "listing" under the definition), has been considerably shortened so as not to give the name away. And regarding the entry categories -- it's not fiction, per se, but since I don't have a prose category I went ahead and ticked it. And I definitely think it's worthy of being called art; at the very least, it gives you a glimpse of the Wes in his more romantic days. And... oh hell, just read it. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:14 am | Comments (9)
June 30, 2005
I'm alive; Scary-Crayon updated.
Category: Art … SC Updates

Hey all. Sorry if anyone was worried -- I've just been pretty busy and exhausted and stuff these past few days. Hopefully the upcoming three day weekend will give me a chance to recuperate. But for those of you who were actually concerned, thanks. Here's a random drawing for your trouble:

He's baaaaack...

So, what's new? Well, the Scary-Crayon blog isn't up yet (maybe this weekend?), but the site's been updated with Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #45. It's based on recent events happening down in Florida! See, I read more than just the horoscopes and Pearls Before Swine in the newspaper on occasion.

Speaking of newspapers, a couple of the local ones around here started printing a game called Sudoku, which I'm not going to explain but which you could probably find out about from a simple google search. Apparently it's all the rage, but I don't get why folks are so excited. Yeah, it's more fun and accessible than crossword puzzles, but it's way simple! I guess it's a neat little thing to do in the morning while one sips one's morning coffee and shovels soggy corn flakes into one's mouth (not me, though; I don't have time for that in the mornings, but I'll probably start doing the puzzles when I get into the office in the morning), but I'm not dancing in the streets or writing in to praise the game and I wouldn't cry if they took it away.

It's fucking late and I should probably get some sleep.

-posted by Wes | 3:26 am | Comments (10)