Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
October 21, 2008
Stampman Forever
Category: Serious

Longtime Wesoteric readers and pals might recall my mother's HIV-positive stalker, whom I've taken to calling the Stampman because of the creepy animal stamps used to decorate greeting cards. Well, he's back. Actually -- technically -- he never went away. He dialed back his activities after Mom was granted a six-month peace order last October, but resumed his calls shortly before it expired in April and has been calling especially often in the last month. Granted, the Stampman hadn't approached his previous record of forty times a day, but he'd gotten a lot bolder.

For example, since she hasn't been answering when his name shows up on the caller ID, he's been calling and leaving inane messages to the effect of "you missed a fantastic cookout; I had two plates!" despite Mom's insistence that he stop calling her altogether. In fact, when she answered the phone about two weeks ago to reiterate the point, the Stampman plainly stated that he won't stop calling until she apologizes to him. During that same call -- and don't ask me how the conversation got to this point; I keep telling her that she shouldn't actually engage him in any remotely extended dialogue -- he apparently mentioned how much he missed being in Vietnam and loved "watching gooks' heads explode."

Anyway, though she tried to get this done last week, it wasn't until yesterday that she was finally able to block the Stampman's number. And guess what? Last night, between 2:30 and 3:00 AM, there were four calls to the house from four different pay phones. Which leads me to believe that this fucker is driving around to pay phones in the wee hours of the night, all for the purpose of harassing my mother. There was even a call from an unfamiliar number in between the third and fourth calls, which I'm betting was somehow from the Stampman too. He's flipping obsessed.

Oh, did I mention that yesterday Mom also received two calls from a neighbor of the Stampman? Apparently he's been telling this woman about various ways in which he's going to vandalize the house and harm my mother at any opportunity he gets, and this woman is willing to testify to that effect if Mom decides to contact the police. This is really, really crazy shit.

-posted by Wes | 6:42 pm | Comments (6)
  • Mickelodeon says:

    The whole thing is pretty creepy to begin with, but the creepiness has been notched up about a thousand million percent with the payphone angle. Is your mom planning on going to the police? What did she say when the neighbor called and told her Stampman's plans?

  • Jersey Girl says:

    Wow, Wes... your mom REALLY needs to go to the police, and take Stampman's neighbor with her! Think how concerned a complete stranger must be to actually call your mom to let her know she's in danger?! This neighbor of his must believe that he's going to do some harm to your mom or she wouldn't have gotten involved!

    I know your mom is a grown woman and can make her own decisions, but she is seriously in danger, just as you might be. This is really frightening stuff!!!

  • dave says:

    Yeah..... Man.

  • Ro says:

    Yeah, what everybody else said. She seriously needs to call the polics. Just make all the evidence is saved ie phone msgs, cards etc.

  • Jersey Girl says:

    Just checking in 'cause I've been worried.

  • Becky says:

    This is really starting to sound scary -- she needs a restraining order on this guy.

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