Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 10, 2010
Totally Crushing: Jen Barber

And now it's time for another edition of Anime Crushes Totally Crushing, since I've renamed the category in order to accommodate whatever actresses and non-animated fictional characters I decide to spotlight in the future. (I've left the slug the same for the time being, though.)

Dreamy Jen!

Spotlighted today: the lovely Jen Barber (Katherine Parkinson) from "The IT Crowd"! Doesn't she look so sweet?

Concerned Jen.

However, Jen wears a diverse array of expressions on the show. Here we see her concerned that a co-worker might be planning to murder her!

Confident Jen!

And here she seems quite confident, though I can't remember why.

Intense flirty Jen!

Jen in the process of some intense across-the-room flirting.

Happy Jen. :)

And here's happy Jen posing with a creepy mouth-breathing boyfriend! But no matter what facial expression -- or outfit; our Jen has a no shortage of fun yet professional outfits in her wardrobe -- she's wearing, Jen Barber is always bloody adorable.

-posted by Wes | 5:24 am | Comments (12)
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