Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 26, 2008
On Memorial Day
Category: Linkage … Serious

I have a couple other posts in the works (one about a recurrent obsession and its latest manifestation; another on freaking Hillary Clinton and the potential damage she's doing with her most recent comments on sexism and even more explicit feminist slant), but I thought it was important to link to this Huffington Post article on Memorial Day. April Somdahl's heartbreaking experience -- and that of her late brother -- highlights yet another unfortunate effect of the Iraq War on the lives of service members, military families, and the rest of us as well.

I realize how this sounds coming from me, but I hope that you all have (or had, depending upon when you read this) a blessed and reflective Memorial Day. Wishing you a "happy" or "joyful" one doesn't seem quite appropriate in light of that article and what the day signifies.

-posted by Wes | 10:00 am | Comments (1)
1 Comment »
  • Jaded says:

    Memorial day has always been an important event in my family. I grew up in a military family and was born during the Vietnam era. I remember that very well - wondering if I'd see my father again. Many of his friends, unofficial "uncles" of mine, didn't come home. The significance of this day is not lost on me, no matter how strained my relationship is with my father these days.

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