Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 17, 2004
Last night as I slumbered...
Category: Dreams … TV, Film, & DVDs

So I exchanged that defective Dawn of the Dead dvd for another one today, and here's the deal -- either lady working the exchange desk accidentally/intentionally-just-to-screw-with-me gave me back the same defective copy, or I had the misfortune of grabbing another defective copy, 'cause this one screws up in the same exact spot. Who's really annoyed? Give ya three guesses.


Last night as I slumbered I had a strange dream...

...that I finally up and killed myself. I don't remember how I did it, just that I did it, the world went dark, and then I found myself alone on a red cliff beneath a yellow-reddish-orange sky -- the color of everything just after the sun dips beneath the horizon. It was a really beautiful place, and for a while I was relaxed and at peace. But then there was nothing to do in this place, and I was the only person there, so it began to get really boring -- and I remember thinking that I might as well have stayed alive if this was what I had to look forward to (because being dead didn't seem to be any better than the boring life I lead now). Then a green jellyfish thing floated over and began accosting me -- shouting at me about how many people I'd hurt by killing myself and how many people would be devastated by my death. I yelled back that that wasn't the case at all (and I truly believe it, even in my waking life, at this very moment); nobody would really be that wounded by my loss. Yes, there are some people I care for who would probably be sad for a little while, but these people have eventful lives and that would soon pass. And as for my family -- well, you can probably guess what I said to the jellyfish about them. The jellyfish seemed satisfied and agreed that I was probably right. And then it asked if there was anything that I'd left behind that I was worried about. I answered that I was a little concerned about what would happen to my action figures, and I wondered if Meighan (or anyone) would keep Scary-Crayon alive after my passing. Then I woke up.

Interesting dream, no? Feel free to e-mail me with any comments, interpretations, etc.

The dream I had the night before was also odd -- I dreamed that I went to see The Passion of the Christ, except the movie that I saw in the dream wasn't really The Passion, but instead some weird cross between a Chick tract and an episode of "Tales from the Darkside". For one, it had a framing story. There were these teens hanging out in some woods and badmouthing the Bible -- the sort of stuff you'd see in a Chick tract, like calling it a book for "squares" -- and then these ogres and a medieval king came out of the woods and chased them back to the house of one of the kids, where the all of the kids' parents were drinking and having sex fooling around with a Ouija board. And then some spirit was conjured up and began to tell the story of Jesus or something. I'm being pretty sparse on details because some of this stuff is definitely going into a short story, but goodness it was just weird and grotesque -- so much so that I actually walked out of the theater and snuck into a showing of a Disney film in progress. I remember thinking, "What the bloody hell was that, and who in his/her right mind thought that would be a good witnessing tool?!?!?" Really strange stuff, folks.

But alas, any way you look at it, my dreams are much more interesting than my dull dull life. 🙁

That adventure in the Crystal City Labyrinth was pretty neat, though.

-posted by Wes | 6:52 pm | Comments (0)
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